E.L. Choreography

Artistic Statement.

As a dancer, choreographer, and human, I believe that our bodies were created with the purpose to move. There is a preconceived notion as to what dance is supposed to look like, and I am dedicated to exploring movement outside of the norm. In my studies at The Ohio State University, I began to expand my internal judgments of what I believed dance was. The very definition of “dance” can be debated among those in the dance community. In my practice as a mover, my goal is to challenge my inherit judgements and beliefs and push towards new sensations and experiences. Currently, I am expanding my creating abilities through the usage of location, props, vocalization, and improv scores. My passion for dance lies in who we are inherently, as well as our connections to our community and to nature. In my exploration of these concepts (identity, community, and nature) I feel a strong sense of empowerment as I connect with the spaces and people around me.